StarID Common Questions
- I haven't activated my StarID or I don't know what my StarID is, how can I access my email?
To activate your StarID, visit the StarID homepage. If you have activated your StarID but do not remember what it is (or what the password is), visit the StarID homepage and use the self-help options to recover your StarID or reset your StarID password.
- My StarID and password don't seem to be working when I try to log in to email. What should I do?
Visit the StarID homepage and change your StarID password. This will force a new password synchronization with Ridgewater’s network and should allow you to log on. Your StarID password will expire every 180 days. You should receive a notice when it gets close to expiring. Please don’t ignore those notices.
In some instances your web browser may have add-ons, plug-ins, or extensions that interfere with the login process. The simplest solution may be to try a different web browser; however, it may be necessary to perform a browser reset and/or disable or remove unused add-ons, plug-ins, or extensions. The instructions to reset and manage add-ons, plug-ins, or extensions for the most common browsers are listed below, along with links to download and install an alternate browser.
- Download Internet Explorer (Windows only)
- Download Mozilla Firefox settings (Windows or Mac)
- Download Google Chrome (Windows or Mac)
- Download Safari