Rodeo Club

Whether you ride or just enjoy the thrill of watching, please come and join us! The Rodeo Club is open to all current Ridgewater students. Each year we try to go on at least one college rodeo outing.
Our Mission: The Ridgewater Rodeo Club is a group of current students that have an appreciation for and would like to pursue interests in the Rodeo Industry. Membership is inclusive, membership is extended to any current Ridgewater Student. The key focus area is Education and Outreach, on all aspects of the Rodeo Industry. Students that share in their passion and desire to explore all the opportunities in the Rodeo Industry are encouraged to join. Those opportunities could be in Rodeo Careers, Rodeo Employment, Leadership in Rodeo, Rodeo Animal & Contestant Health and Welfare, Rodeo Networking and Social Opportunities, Rodeo Competition and Rodeo Club Fundraising. Also, students will discover Rodeo applications in traditional agriculture.
Club Advisor
Russ Peterson
[email protected]
Officer At Large
Allison Bauer