Welding Club (Willmar)

Mission Statement
Our mission is to keep students current with new welding and fabricating methods and to increase the Willmar welding program’s involvement in the community and college.
Club Goals
- To take at least one field trip to tour area welding shops, including companies that manufacture a variety of products, such as stainless steel vessels, construction equipment, grain elevators, and grain moving equipment.
- To compete in the regional SKILLS USA welding competition, a yearly contest held in the Twin Cities where students from colleges and high schools from all around the state of Minnesota compete in a variety of welding processes, knowledge tests, and other skill categories. We also attend other competitions and trade shows throughout the year.
- To participate in an activity benefiting the community in a lasting way, such as an annual roadside ditch cleanup, fabricating custom equipment for city parks, etc. Also, by collaborating with other departments within Ridgewater College to create unique, beneficial projects, and community service/outreach opportunities.
- To promote professionalism and shop unity and create enthusiasm for learning by allowing close interaction between students and teachers with collaborative projects, while promoting personal and professional growth among students and faculty.