Heather Marcus
Student Activities and Wellness Coordinator - Hutchinson Campus
Student Life
Student clubs and interest groups are a great way to get involved and make new friends. They also offer leadership opportunities, learning experiences and skills to add to your resume.
There are two tiers of club organizations at Ridgewater: clubs and interest groups. Clubs have an advisor, a constitution, a mission statement, and a budget to spend on club events and travel. Interest groups are a more laid-back tier of clubs that are student-led (without an advisor) and can meet on campus during the college’s open hours. Student Life will assist in advertising meetings and events for both clubs and interest groups.
There are currently no active interest groups on either campus. Learn how you can start one!
Start New Interest GroupStarting a New Club or Interest Group
Yearly Renewal for Clubs
If you have questions about clubs or interest groups, please contact Student Life on your respective campus or email [email protected].
Student Activities and Wellness Coordinator - Hutchinson Campus
Student Life
Student Activities and Wellness Coordinator - Willmar Campus
Student Life
Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Ridgewater College is an equal opportunity employer and educator.