Student Emergency Resources

There are various resources available to assist students with an unforeseen/unexpected one-time emergency situation. All emergency resources should be explored by speaking to a Ridgewater College Counselor. Our counselors have exceptional knowledge of campus and community resources that may be available to assist students.
More information on various types of emergency resources can be found below.
Emergency References (PDF)Ridgewater Emergency Loan
After the five-day drop/add period has elapsed, students may apply for a limited funding amount to meet emergency financial obligations. This is a loan, meaning students need to repay the amount borrowed. Repayment is strongly recommended within 30 days.
Ridgewater BEAM Grant
The Ridgewater BEAM Grant assists enrolled students who are experiencing an unexpected situation that threatens their ability to stay in school. Eligible expenses include housing/rent, childcare, food/meals, gas, medical/dental expenses, transportation, and utilities. There is a $500 cap, and students must demonstrate need and provide documentation.
Ridgewater Cares Support Scholarship
The Ridgewater Cares Support Scholarship is in place to assist currently enrolled students who are experiencing an unexpected financial crisis related to payment of tuition and fees. The goal of this “last minute” scholarship is to alleviate the one-time financial crisis so the student can remain in school.
Floren Nursing Emergency Fund
Allen and Debra Floren created this fund to help Nursing students in their final semesters who are on track to complete the nursing program at Ridgewater College but find themselves in an unexpected financial crisis. Deb went through this program at Ridgewater College years ago and remembers the financial and academic pressures of those final semesters prior to graduating. She seeks to help other nursing students persist to graduation by providing this funding to alleviate financial obstacles that may arise.