Nursing Club (Willmar)

The mission of the Willmar Nursing Club is to offer students enrolled in nursing an opportunity in which to find and provide support, information, service and learning opportunities, camaraderie, and friendship.
We would love pre-nursing students to join us!
Nursing Club Application Form
Objectives and Goals
Club Goals
- To promote standards of practical and professional nursing on campus.
- To provide a network for students in the nursing major.
- To develop leadership skills in the field of nursing.
- To develop a sense of individual responsibility.
- To allow opportunity to appreciate and implement the obligations of citizenship while being a nurse.
- To develop an appreciation of civic and social obligations of those engaged in nursing.
Club Objectives
- To recognize students engaged in nursing education through membership in a club.
- To assist students in establishing realistic education and career goals.
- To create enthusiasm for becoming a life-long learner.
- To develop the ability of students to plan, organize, and carry out meaningful activities and projects together using the democratic process.
- To benefit the Ridgewater College by interacting with other college clubs and activities.
On the first and third Wednesday of the month from 11 am-1 pm, the 237 Nursing Lab is the site for Sexual Health 101, where anyone on campus can come talk to a Public Health Nurse and get free testing for pregnancy and chlamydia, information on other screenings, and birth control at for free or at a low cost.
Club Advisor
Kala Rudningen
[email protected]