Information for Students
Academic Integrity
In the academic community, the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of academic dishonesty. Written or other work which a student completes and submits must be the product of his/her efforts. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including involving computer technology, are prohibited.
Ridgewater’s Academic Integrity Policy
In cases involving academic dishonesty determination of grade and/or academic penalty is made and recommended by the instructor. In such cases where the student is found responsible for academic dishonesty, the instructor is encouraged to report the incident to the Dean of Students for tracking purposes and possible disciplinary action.
Disruptive Behavior
In an academic community, students and faculty, and staff each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment. Students, faculty, and staff have the responsibility to treat each other with understanding, dignity, and respect. Disruption of teaching is prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct.
Some disruptive behavior may be due to a student’s emotional or mental disorder. Although such students may be considered disabled and are protected under the Rehabilitation Act/ADA, they are held to the same standards of conduct as any other student.
Getting help
Academic Support Center
Counseling Office
Healthy Learning and Positive Classroom Environment
Student Conduct
We work hard to create and maintain an academic community which is healthy for all and take seriously concerns of misbehavior on the part of any student. We expect respect from all of our students and deal with ongoing issues through the conduct process outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Policy.