Senior Citizens
Ridgewater College offers several options for senior citizens to continue their education, from course auditing to credit courses and non-credit courses.
Course Auditing
A senior citizen who wishes to take a class, but not receive credit, may audit a credit-based course at no charge. Students wishing to audit a class must declare this at the time of registration. Students auditing courses must pay a mandatory parking and health service fee. They are also responsible for purchasing books and class materials.
Credit Courses
Minnesota residents 62 years old or older may enroll in credit courses on a space-available basis without paying tuition and activity fees. The senior citizen rate applies only to students who are not collecting financial aid. Those choosing to enroll will be charged $20 per credit plus fees.
Senior citizens may register for a course the day after the first class meets if there is space available in the course. Senior citizens who wish to guarantee their enrollment in a course may register earlier, but they will be required to pay full tuition and fees. If a senior citizen guarantees enrollment by registering early, they will not be awarded the tuition benefit for that course at a later date.
Non-Credit Courses
Senior citizens may also enroll in non-credit courses without paying tuition and activity fees (excluding courses designed and offered specifically and exclusively for senior citizens). A senior citizen enrolled in a non-credit course must pay for any materials, personal property, or service charges for the course.
Note that a senior citizen enrolled in closed enrollment contract training or a professional continuing education program is not eligible for these benefits.