Ridgewater Consent/Waiver Form for Marketing
Thank you for helping us tell the Ridgewater story through marketing and social media!
Online Marketing Consent/Waiver Form for Students 18 Years or Older
Participants must be 18 years or older to agree to be in photos, videos, testimonials or other media for Ridgewater College marketing purposes. Please complete this quick student online consent/waiver form. It must be completed from your Ridgewater email for authentication.
Online Marketing Consent /Waiver Form for Alumni, Community Members, and Parents/Guardians of Minors
Alumni, community members and parents or guardians of subjects younger than 18 years: If you agree to be (or have your minor child be) in photos, videos, testimonials or other media for Ridgewater College to use for marketing purposes, please complete this online consent/waiver form. This form is for people who are not current students. A parent or guardian must complete the form for minors.
Questions? Contact [email protected] or 320-234-8533 or 320-222-6089.