Ask the Librarian

Ridgewater College offers a variety of different ways for students to ask the librarian for help with research papers or library assistance.
AskMN Chat Service
AskMN is a live, online chat reference service available at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Ask the Librarian at Ridgewater College
Submit a question and a librarian will get back to you as soon as possible. On weekdays, during the academic semester, you will receive a reply within hours, and on weekends and holidays, you will receive a response on the next school day.
The library’s email reference service is not intended to be an in-depth research service. For complex questions, please visit the reference desk in person.
In Person
The librarian serves both the Hutchinson and Willmar campuses. Hours vary weekly and posted on the librarian’s door. The librarian is also available using the Team Viewer software installed on the computer in the librarian’s office, located behind the circulation desk on each campus.
Call 320-222-7537 to talk with a reference librarian during the library’s regular hours.