Dean Anfinson
Clay Target Coach - Willmar Campus
The Willmar Team will be led by the coaching team of Troy Haverly and Dean Anfinson. This coaching duo also currently leads the New London Spicer High School trap shooting team. Coach Haverly has been shooting trap competitively for 44 years (Amateur Trapshooting Association) and started and has led the New London Spicer team since the program began in 2013. He is also a Firearms Safety Instructor the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Coach Anfinson has been co-head coach in New London for the last five years and has personally shot trap and participated in league for many years. His career has been primarily in different branches of Law Enforcement. He has taken NRA training courses and is a certified NRA instructor for conceal and carry and some other handgun, shotgun, and rifle courses. The Willmar Team will be practicing locally at the Willmar Trap Range.