Information for Parents
When young adults leave for college, some parents feel uncertain about the changing relationship. You can continue to play a vital role in the life of your college student.
- Stay in touch – write, call, email. Ask questions (but not too many).
- Expect change.
- Be realistic about financial matters and academics.
- Support their independence.
- Give your student the opportunity to express new viewpoints and opinions
- Promote independent problem solving.
- If your student experiences difficulties at Ridgewater College, encourage him or her to take advantage of campus resources available for students:
Willmar – 320-222-5984
Hutchinson – 320-234-8504
Dean of Students: 320-222-5209
Academic Support Center:
Willmar – 320-222-5260
Hutchinson – 320-234-8636
Sometimes parents get frustrated if they are paying the bills and then are not informed when their student is involved with the conduct review process. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the educational records of students are considered confidential unless a student provides written consent and purpose of disclosure of educational records. If your student would like to grant you this permission, they should stop by the Counseling Office and complete the authorization form.
The Student Code of Conduct Process is committed to assisting students with personal development and growth through accountability. What this means for parents is that the conduct review process is designed to hold students accountable and to give students an opportunity to think through their behavior and develop a plan of action to recover as best they can from any mistake they may have made.