2021 Crowned Princess Kay Makes Ridgewater History
August 27, 2021

WILLMAR and HUTCHINSON, MN – When Litchfield’s Anna Euerle was named a finalist in the 2021 Princess Kay of the Milky Way competition on August 25, Ridgewater College Agriculture faculty were excited, but even more proud when Euerle was crowned Princess.
“Ridgewater has had Princess Kay finalists numerous times,” explained Wade Gustafson, Ridgewater Dairy Management instructor, “but Anna is our first student crowned Princess Kay of the Milky Way. She is so deserving with her strong communication skills, professionalism, and passion for the dairy industry.”
The 19-year-old is a Ridgewater Agri Business student with an emphasis in Dairy Management.
“It’s truly an honor to be named the 68th Princess Kay of the Milky Way,” Euerle shared with her alma mater. “I’m excited to represent the whole dairy community – from our farmers, to our nutritionists, to our veterinarians and beyond. I’m looking forward to talking with people throughout the coming year and sharing my dairy story.”
Gustafson said that Euerle is a student who is always driven toward excellence. She has represented Ridgewater as a Minnesota State FFA officer, but this honor will take her role as a goodwill ambassador for agriculture to a whole new level. “We know she will be an excellent Princess Kay!”
“We are so proud of Anna for putting her knowledge and passion to work in such a meaningful way in an important agriculture industry,” said Jeff Miller, Ridgewater dean of technical programs. “It’s great to see students like Anna compete and succeed in regional, state and national competitions.”
Photos courtesy Matt Addington