Alan R. Koenig
Class of 1978
Alan’s Ridgewater Experience
I had planned on a career in the US Army but my initial training for the National Guard prompted me to consider other options. I had no real aspirations for college, but I’d heard lots of good things about Willmar Community College and expenses were low. In the spring of 1976, I paid $ 76.00 for tuition and fees, may $ 50.00 for books, and $ 30.00 a month for rent at 713 Litchfield Ave (John Bohan’s house is long gone; he kept rent low for students). My instructors– Jones, Schliep, Lehrer, Enockson, et al were truly concerned about my education and since I was paying my way I vowed to make the most of my experience and graduated with high honors in History.
I was a mediocre athlete (at best) but ran the 5K and 12K mile runs on the track team and earned a letter my first quarter. The next year Russ Felt and I were captains and I ran 200 and 400 M. These experiences gave me a lot of confidence for future endeavors, and I ultimately received a PhD in History from UN-Lincoln, and taught as an adjunct (remotely) while serving as an Army Reserve historical officer in Germany, Bosnia, Iraq, Colorado Springs and Atlanta. I’m still writing history, rescuing cats, and all too busy on a farm between Buffalo Lake and Hector. WCC was a perfect fit for me and served as a base for bigger and better things.
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